Every year thousands of children go missing from the street and they end up their life in sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, begging, drug smuggling, and organ transplants. Sometimes police takes up cases to a certain level and finally leaves the progression getting frustrated because India doesn't have stringent laws yet to deal with the worst crime against humanity with iron fist. How poor girls and women from even industrially developed states of India transit places, change of hands and pass through harrowing experience of physical tortures before they are finally sold into brothels in metros is an indication of our apathy towards human values in modern India. It's not that the racketeers involved in this crime are only from the lowest strata of society, but the alarming fact that people from economically well-off sections are also aggravating the condition. Crimes against children and women are extremely high in India. There is no single passed day when media haven't reported about human trafficking, but hardly any case has reached a logical conclusion because human trafficking has transformed into an organized crime controlled by mafias and terrorist groups inside and outside the country. Even if a case is handled with due diligence, the kingpin of the racket stays at an arms length from the law enforcement agencies.
After 64 years of independence, India still struggles to combat human trafficking in the most immature manner. Though various laws like Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act, Bonded Labor Abolition Act, and Child Labor Act are available in India, the sluggishness of judicial system and apathy of law enforcement agencies compound to a more deplorable situation. Moreover, the awareness on human trafficking in India is very feeble and except few NGOs those are working towards anti-human trafficking, the participation of society has been dismal. We as a progressive society shouldn't ignore such a devastating crime against humanity.
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