Thursday, May 26, 2011

Krittika's case: Blatant revelation of America's double standards

Forget for a second that Krittika is the daughter of an Indian diplomat based out in the USA, the manner in which she was literally tortured by US officials for an allegedly frivolous case which has no significance in an open society like America, the US administration has drawn the attention, all for wrong reasons, of millions of Indians staying out there. A world democracy that has finally succumbed to base ideologies such as racial discrimination is a reminder of the fact that the USA is eventually heading towards a banana republic. Let's understand first what's the crime that Krittika committed for which she had to go through such harrowing experience of her life for over 24 hours in a dastardly ill-conditioned jail. She was just a suspect of sending an obscene e-mail to her teacher, which actually she didn't committed. This raises serious questions about the judicial system of the most advanced democracy that human rights take a back seat when it comes to an opportunity in favor of them.

Now let's recall the devastating incident of Bhopal gas tragedy when the CEO of Union Carbide Mr Anderson flew off to USA with the help of Indian officials starting from district collector to cabinet ministers. Then the USA put tremendous pressure on Govt. of India to release Anderson without considering the gravity of an enormous crime that he committed. A crime in which thousands of innocent people died like cats and dogs and many thousands who born even after a decade were carrying natal defects. A crime that is billion times grievous than what Krittika could have committed in all its remoteness. And today nearly after 27 years of that fateful day Anderson is still living at an arm's length from the clutches of laws and Krittika passed through the toughest moment of her life in a jail without committing any crime. The most sordid part here is that the same government which helped a criminal to escape from the country under false diplomatic immunity is showing its inherent incompetence to escalate this issue to higher forum. What an American sycophancy?

Krittika's case may be one such incident that not only reveals America's double standards towards universal democratic principles, but also it unfolds their hypocrisy as a civil society where human rights of other nationals are grossly violated under personal agenda.

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