Monday, March 12, 2012

Being Relevant

The palpable hiatus between physical and digital world is shrinking fast. The social ecosystem that was once driven purely by meeting and mating physically is now transformed into a cobweb of social dashboards where Facebook and Twitter decide whether you have achieved that social quotient or not. Every trend that's generated on Twitter has significant real-world ramifications. If you are a Bollywood celebrity and lagging in trend on Twitter then it's more like a prediction that your film isn't doing well in the box office. From individual to corporate entity, everyone is a stakeholder in the process of making social media the mother of all marketing gimmicks.

Well, the new trend in social media has left all its predecessors flabbergasted in a sense that the social analytics is a measure of effectiveness of many marketing tools whether it's a simple ad or a complex multi-level marketing strategy. The clients now want a realistic report how their investment on a specific advertisement has converted into physical sales. Decades ago when advertisers claimed an ad has generated so much buzz in the market, now it's more realistic and straight – how many products have been sold and they have a direct relation with the impact of ad. All these are possible now through advance apps that crunch huge social data (in petabytes) available over web.

What's more interesting now is that when an ad is released on social media, it carries all necessary precautions to woo the customers, drive them crazy about the product and compel them to purchase or at least order it right there. Social profiling has become more robust and predictable vis-a-vis the purchasing power of customers. For examples, the agency that releases an ad for a new model of Porche being targeted for Indian millionaires would prefer a medium that can directly channel the message to the most prospective customers group, and this is surely not possible through conventional media like print or electronic, so the most efficacious medium would be social media. Social media as a significant marketing incluencer has grown dramatically. Now the new social paradigm is being relevant is more powerful than being ubiquitous.

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