The report "The January night
Raisina Hill was spooked: Two key Army units moved towards Delhi
without notifying Govt" published in the Indian Express is only
an indication of extreme desperation by the editorial team to create
a nation-wide sensation and increase their daily circulation.
Irrespective of who's who in the editorial hierarchy of Indian
Express, the report doesn't qualify to be called as a product of
investigative journalism, rather it underlines the immature
methodology to justify the credibility of a profession called
journalism. Perhaps, the editorial team of Indian Express has gone a
bit discombobulated and kinky by tagging such grave and terrible
charges against Indian Army. What this so-called investigation
claimed by the paper is an absolute boozed concoction and hilarious
outburst of a bunch of hallucinated nuts who had ever endeavoured to
tread on a slippery slope like rouge reporting. Moreover, this
indicates the gross cannibalism of propriety at a time when the trust
level of citizens is dangerously nosediving.
Brushing a normal army exercise as an
allusion of coup not only unearths the rotten collective intellect
level of editorial team of Indian Express, but also it emphasizes on
the fact that how ludicrous these guys who don't have even an iota of
rationality in understanding the political system of this country.
India as the largest democracy of this world has proved time and
again its deeper commitment towards parliamentary democracy and the
political supremacy is well documented and conspicuous. Moreover,
Indian Army is the most disciplined and patriotic organization of our
country. What's more rational to build up is when the Intelligence
Bureau is 24x7 working under the political leadership of the ruling
government, how prudent is it to think of an army coup in 21st
century India? Just a series of incidents that at best can be pieced
together to create a collage of fuzzy stratagem, the truth perhaps is
grossly undermined. Probably, the editorial think-tank of Indian
Express needs to unlearn a lot before pushing out their sensational
stories (read garbage) to the citizens of this country. They have
lost their credibility as journalists. I think Bollywood could be a
better place for them to become sleazy script writers where they can
earn even more by selling their scroungy narratives.
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