The social trends are changing fast, and particularly in India, they are even faster. A decade before when the average age for first sexual encounter was hovering around 16-17 years, it has fallen sharply to 12 years now in the new decade of the millennium. Thanks to the omnipresent Internet, mobility, and social networking those in tandem are shaping the collective consciousness of Indian youth brigade and their lifestyle.
In this decade only, India has noticed the daredevil acts of MMS sharing for some bad reasons. Whether it's adventurous experiment with truth by two students of a reputed Delhi school or the recent video sharing by some students of a central university, the modus operandi has been quite similar – taking the sadistic pleasure out of somebody's misfortune and that too on the account of breach of trust. Trust has taken a back seat. If given a chance, no one would mind to trespass into somebody's private zone, prohibited by some disclaimer. Disclaimer is as affictitious as trust itself. In all these scenarios, technology has played a great role in venting the spirit of free expression because we believe in democracy.
Today's kids care a fig to the age-old dogmas carved out by a feudalistic society some centuries ago. Although there is no problem at this point, all dogmas cant be branded as feudalistic, some are even more progressive and forward-looking, even today. Of course, Kama Sutra is one of them. All rules and principles of love making established many centuries ago still work fine with the most modern social lifestyle or mindset. That's bit an exciting part of a feudal carving. We always search for some temptations in all our endeavours.
Everyone is on a move, an exciting and adventurous first flight that no one wants to miss at the susceptible formative years. Experience is not related to how long, rather how effective and exciting. The new measures of innocence is somewhat silent about the urge and indulgence because these two attributes drive the innocence now. For instance, almost all youths of India having internet connection possess a Facebook account. That's not bad even from any puritan perspective, but the larger point here is how this platform is being used to ventilate our passion for experiments.
The coming times would be more vibrant with innovative technologies. The media convergence in true sense wont be problem at all. When you encounter with some obscene acts in some parks or locality, don't forget that all those live acts are webcast or podcast with HD videos in one of the social media. The engagement of innocence with youth has started waning. Their maturing process is triggered by the social trends that include everything society, development, innovation, technology, and not the least the urge for coming to limelight, maybe that too through some bad accounts.
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