Their hallucination laden eyes surreptitiously aspire for certain degree of surrealistic survival, yet the soul inside them rests as sangfroid as pristine glittering dewdrops settled on semi-awakened leaves of grass on a winter morning. They are shackled with myriad of social restrictions, yet they are unbridled from the bustles of life. Look closely into their drowned eyes and you would fail to understand the epicenter of their pangs. They never resurrect from the abysmal depth of intoxication that haunts them every now and then on a sinusoidal trajectory, sometimes high and sometimes low. The reference here doesn't necessarily borrow a cue from a typical Hindi movie sequence, rather it reflects the stark narratives of profound sufferings of millions of drug addicts those unfortunately allured into this world of delusion by the agents of death – drug mafias, traffickers, subdued western hippie culture, and inefficacious state administration – at every turning point of human civilization.
What's more enigmatic and perplexing is the social response to these people. Yet in the midst of cavernous psychic ensnarement, their singular plea for resuscitation bounces back from the deaf ears of many insensate people like us who in all probability though believe to tread on the human spirit of connection, but here deliberately choose to turn a blind eye to the state of dastardly victimization. What's more disturbing is when the iron fists of state machinery multiply their bereavement through various tactics of harassment. Their sorrows never subside.
What's essentially required here is a human touch to the terrible psychological wounds that these victims carry along their tormented journey for which everyone of us is a passive culprit for not embracing their problems that initially stem from depreciated emotional support of family members. We as family members ignore some serious symptoms of emotional imbalance that these drug addicts exhibit before their initiation into this dark journey. We are so engrossed in our self-centered passion for individual excellence that a minor human aberration of a near and dear one is even looked down upon. When the delicate problem snowballs into an enormously dangerous proliferation, we feel the heat and by then a minor behavioral issue of an individual gets transformed into a larger social predicament. Can we be little vigilant and considerate as a fellow human being to such slender issues that grapple the entire humanity? They just need little but genuine consolation.
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