Great online trainings not only
cater to reaching out to maximum audiences across geographies at any
given point of time, but also they offer superior learning
experiences, which even can be rated higher than the conventional
learning model in terms of quality and effectiveness. With increasing
competition in this space, the challenges for the training solutions
providers have been manifold, partly because the faster innovation in
learning technologies infuses unlimited expectations in learners'
mind. That in turn pitches a war path for training
solutions providers to seriously optimize the crafting of online
training in a manner that could even engage the audiences more
effectively than that of a physical training environment. Here are
are some important pointers for an engaging online training model.
Online Icebreaker
In an
online training environment, audiences don't expect a boring,
high-sounding introduction speech. What they want is a
compelling, warmed-up starter, which would drive their curiosity and
engage them for a longer duration. So what do you do then? Start with
a great anecdote? Bang with a survey poll? Or surprise them with some
amazing facts, not available to public easily? The call is yours.
Different audience groups have different tastes, but the single fact
that bind them all is pure emotion. Charge them with a hot starter
that would transform their enthusiasm into a riveting life-time
Peer Partnership and Team Activities
environment offers a wide range of possibilities for collaborative
learning. Engaging students in collaborative learning can
significantly increase their learning standard. According to a
research, students remember only 10% what they read by themselves;
however, they can remember 70% what they discuss with others, and
even remember 95% what they teach to others. Thus a collaborative
learning with with peers and team-based activities can help improve
the learning standards of students. With a range of new technologies
available, you can adopt some pertinent ones like micro-blogging,
discussion forums, instant messaging, interactive white boards, and
audio and video conferencing to enrich their learning experience.
Reflective Activity
learning environment can be transformed into a pure reflective medium
in which students can express their thoughts through various
tools such as blog, wiki, and email. As a reflective activity takes
some time to cogitate and deliver the task, the solution provider can
assign them with complex questions, which would require a fair amount
of brainstorm and reading from various sources before expressing
their thoughts on a collaborative space. Moreover, you can ask online
participants to create a movie by themselves and post it on YouTube
and send the link for trainer review. This way students can group
them and pitch in for a better creative output.
Authentic Activity
are an essential part of any learning model. In online model, during
any coursework or session or post fact, you can engage
students with random instant questionnaires from a master question
bank. With various types of ratings and ranking systems, you can
ensure students are both learning and also getting incentive. This
will certainly optimize the learning process of students.
Games and Simulation
and simulations are a great incentive for online learning. Learning
with fun is the new truth. While designing an online learning
coursework, you can embed videos, games, and simulated stories to
enrich the learning process. With advanced software on gaming and
simulation hitting market every other day, the learning solution
provider can offer a comprehensive teaching model by adopting to
various tricks, and they work as well.
Learner-led Activity
learners take the lead in designing and delivering various
activities, they feel empowered and responsible for their
actions. This model provides online learners an element of authority
that in turn helps the learners contribute to the learning community
in a great measure. However, there is a significant amount of
responsibility from the solution provider. While engaging audiences
through learner-led activity, you should ensure that the objectives
of the activity are clearly articulated, scope of creativity is
highly encouraged, and gradings are explicitly explained.
is a continuous process and certainly it doesn't happen in vacuum.
For an engaging online learning environment, innovation always
drives the lead. A combination of creativity and technology can even
do wonders. In fact, there are many ways making this possible.
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