Sunday, July 10, 2011

Death of a tabloid

The ending was unusual, unsavory, and unpredictable, in that the largest selling tabloid of the world - The News of the World - sent a precise message to the world of news that sleazy, sensational, and sadistic news may draw millions of eyeballs, but when it comes to the scrutiny, the ethics can overpower the truth. For that all truths that are seemingly exaggerated by media are not alone truth, they are cocktails of motives, vested interests, and business strategy. If Rupert Murdoch's sensational tabloid The News of the World (NOTW), even after 168 years in print, can face an infamous death, then the rest of the media fraternity can imagine how dangerous it could be to trespass into the privacy of people, whether they are celebrities, criminals, or sex-workers. Not all scoops, exposes, and populist news can spindle money and power for long, these news categories have a shelf life, often defined by the tolerance index of a state and, especially in a democracy, a common man can even bring down the entire empire of a news business, if he or she thoroughly understands the power of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of the nation.

NOTW was altogether a different tabloid that chiefly anchored on yellow journalism for faster growth and public acceptance. Soon it became a purveyor of titillation, sex scandals, and criminal news, which quickly attracted the attention of neo-literates because for them it was the cheapest tabloid that could satiate their perverted mentality being living in otherwise an extremely conservative society. And NOTW had gotten its success formula and it replicated it vigorously and mindlessly. What NOTW practiced it its news gathering operation was never obliged to journalistic ethics. Whether it's about exposing the sexual escapade of politicians or sports persons, or drug addiction of royal scion, the ethics always took a back seat.

Perhaps, this tabloid was harping so much on scoops that the methods deployed in bringing truth to the front was a costly proposition that even the shrewdest media baron like Rupert Murdoch could fail to understand in his commitment to exposing the truth. The closure of this tabloid was as dramatic as ever in the aftermath of a phone hacking scandal. A private investigator deployed by NOTW allegedly hacked into the phone of murdered British teenager Milly Dowler, which probably interfered with the police investigation and caused huge distress to the girl's parents and this event took an enormous toll on the revenue generation of the paper. Subsequently the scandal even deepened when the tabloid allegedly hacked into the phones of families of soldiers killed in action. The piling revenue loss, public rejection, and court cases forced Murdoch to finally put a full stop along the scandalous journey of the oldest tabloid on July 10, 2011 making the last headline on the front page - "Thank You and Goodbye."

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