What's most pathetic and shocking that the health minister of our nation doesn't have an iota of knowledge about the glaring difference between a disease and a deliberate human choice, and in that reflects his century-old ignorance, which he, with all his constitutional capability, is trying to disseminate to public rather in a ludicrous manner. And before he could able to understand the scale of damage he has already created to his ministry and himself as well, the LGBT community, media, and public in general rebuffed to his intellectual bankruptcy.
Now the big question is what prompted Mr Azad to display his latent ignorance to the public at large? Why did he stated so categorically about “men having sex with men” is a practice of developed country and this is a “disease” and “unnatural” act which has finally found its place in India? What it indicates that Mr Azad is absolutely clueless about “homosexuality” and its social dynamics. He has rather lifted off the lid from his “Pandora's box” of infinite insanity.
And more interesting fact is that after this faux pas he again committed another outrageous blunder on a backtrack diplomacy, by stating that he was not supposedly talking about “MSM” as a disease, rather it was intended for “HIV”. What a crap? He doesn't even know HIV is not a disease, it's a virus. Why then with such bundle of ignorance in his mind he is still holding the post of health minister? This is the sordid state of political leadership in our country. Anybody can be a political leader and a minister as well irrespective of his or her education, knowledge, intelligence, and other necessary leadership skills, so long as he or she has mass followers because that's the only mandatory requirement in a democracy.
When the apex court of our country has already abrogated Section 377 two years back to decriminalize homosexuality, the health minister still lives in his cocoon of feudal mindset. Mr Azad certainly needs to unlearn his mental darkness and must take some lessons on sex education before going back to his job, else his portfolio is undoubtedly going to be shifted to some most desirable candidate in the next cabinet reshuffle.
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