Friday, July 15, 2011

How much is too much?

Has India learnt anything from the frequent terror strikes in Mumbai? A question that everyone raises to the political leaders of this country. Every time when a terrorist attack occurs, the political leaders try to assuage people by assuring them a safe and secured future and propose a variety of advance security measures that never gets implemented. And the so called resilient and high-spirited people forget everything as if nothing has happened and get back to work day after, in that those people not only display their inherent compulsions but also to a large degree of indifference to the events around them.

Especially, Mumbai's tryst with terror attacks is not nascent, close to two decades these people have been suffering from the scourge of terror, and the financial hub of the nation always bears the brunt of political opportunism in this country. After each terror strike when some political parties show extreme fascism by boycotting the pluralistic nature of our society and declare a head-on war against terror, the other political parties pretend to be savior of democratic principles and go soft apparently on an extremely complex subject. In that tug of political war only the innocent people suffer.

Immediately after 26/11, the Union Home ministry suggested to act upon a series of crucial security measures including creation of a national counter-terrorism center and decentralized quick reaction teams, but literally after two-and-half years, the proposal is still shuttling between political whims and fancies of centre and state, and for sure no one knows how long this drama will continue. It seems there is no political urgency for internal security of this country. How many assaults India will bear before these political leaders wake up from the slumber? Why are they so insensitive to those people for whom they are enjoying the luxury of life? The public anger is fermenting vigorously and that will never subside until and unless these politicians act coherently to ensure a safer tomorrow.

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