Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Terror Strikes Back Maximum City

Once again the barbarous terrorists in their usual demonic style have attacked Mumbai through serial blasts at three places proving the fact that Indian intelligence agencies are nowhere close to intercept their brutish design in destabilizing the nation. Why Mumbai has been the soft target of bloody terrorists time and again? Count this: 1993, 2003, 2006, 2008, and 2011, and probably no one knows how many dates will add up to this malignant list in future? When will the government wake up from the slumber to understand the gravity of situation? Why does India pusillanimously tolerate these terror attacks and put the nation into demented shame? When will the political leaders of this country feel the profound pain of innocent citizens? Or these repugnant acts of terrorists will agonize the citizens for go?

Every time a terrorist attack takes place in Mumbai, the politicians, law and enforcement agencies, and media spring into action and start displaying their momentary heroic act to serve the victims and eventually the anger of people subsides, and some duplicitous opinion makers thrash out their false intellectual formulations, citing “Mumbaikers are truly resilient and they can get back to track soon forgetting everything as a virtual nightmare”. And Mumbaikers unmistakeably behave that way repeatedly on all these trying periods to live in a false sense of humility by bearing the brunt. Perhaps, that's the reason as to why Mumbai has been a regular soft target of terror strikes in last two decades.

These terrorist attacks must not be trivialized by the rhetoric of media. We can't undermine the priceless life of any citizen. Every act of terror is an attack on the sovereignty of the nation and should be strictly condemned. We must understand the fact that a terror strike is an indication of our serious security failure. We must act tough now, no lip service.

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